Ghost in the Magazine, Episode 130.5: The Last Voyage of the Demeter

Okay, I’m willing to admit that my experience as a movie-goer affected my opinion of the movie. But also, it was just a huge disappointment. & I want to clarify that when I say my expectations for it to be my “new favorite movie” had more to do with the fact that vampires movies are probably my fave horror subgenre & I have a particular love for adaptations of Dracula & I had v high hopes.

Unlike Stef, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is only one of my fave adaptations. I also really love the OG Nosferatu, Shadow of the Vampire, & even Nosferatu the Vampyre. Argento’s Dracula is trash & so is that BBC one, but I will literally watch any adaptation of Dracula at least once if nothing else but to see what they do with my girl Lucy Westenra.